Thursday 28 April 2016

Why do we create? A reply from Kelly Spider

Kelly lives in the West Midlands with her partner, Neil, her two teenage daughters, and Boris their pet (female) tarantula.  A live music fan, Kelly likes camping, the seaside, watching movies - and mini cheddars (mmm yum).
Her shop, FunkTJunk, (click here) is a reflection of her interests - with great music memorabilia, among other funky and fun items.

How did all start?  Like so many of us, Kelly's inspiration came from her grandparents.

'I spent much of my childhood with my grandparents, before and after school, during holidays - I would either be up at the allotments digging, planting and watering (or just getting dirty), or in the kitchen baking (and mostly eating), painting stones I'd found, at the table, sitting with Grandma knitting a scarf (I was very good at scarves and could make really long ones), or with Grandad in his woodshed, making a box or frame or anything made of wood.

All four grandparents are most certainly my inspiration; all creative in their own different ways, and all of them taught me that there really aren't any rules to creativity - basically, if you have a brief plan in your head and just actually DO IT - then you have created something, even if it just looks like a mess to some people'

As a mum, Kelly worked part time as a health care support worker for adults with learning difficulties, a job she loved for over 16 years, meeting amazing people: 'having a job that awakened my creativity and resourcefulness was awesome! When I became a single working mum with 2 young children, my Creative - Necessary - Recycling skills kicked in - we moved house and re-furnished and decorated on a next to nothing budget; upcycling and painting furniture, giving donated mirrors and ornaments a make-over is so satisfying!  (This was in the late '90s when Changing Rooms and Change That was on TV) The girls and I would hand make our Christmas cards and gifts to save money, making books and magnets and picture frames out of what we had around us for family and friends.

I started my Etsy shop as an outlet for all my over-crafting and don't regret it one bit; very surprised to find that other people actually like, share and even purchase my products - makes me so happy! My style and items may not be to everyone's taste but as Grandma used to say ' you can be the juiciest peach on the tree and there will always be someone who don't lark peaches.'

Such fond memories - I only have the one Grandad left now and he still inspires me today - he cooks with and for my girls and although he is 81, he still has his allotment and his shed - which I use from time to time: his 'old' tools are still the best.

Why do we create? for no reason and for every reason.  because we want to / need to / desire things / have a vision / see potential ..... and because we CAN

You can find FunkTJunk here too

Come and visit us at

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