Thursday 5 May 2016

Why do we create? Morena Fiona gives her answer ......

Introducing Morena who has wonderful vibrant items in her Etsy shop KodesAccessories - click here 

Morena is a web designer with a passion for African fabrics - and she explains why.....

'I have always been interested in bright patterns and I found in African fabric just the perfect expression of my explosive personality and my taste.

I live in London and worked in Brixton for two years.  Brixton is such an explosion of colour with all the graffiti and the African shops selling the best African fabrics in the city.  Brixton highly influenced me and that's where I go to buy the gorgeous prints I use for my necklaces.  Every time I have to go there fabric shopping, it's like going to Wonderland for me.

Brixton Village Market

Photo: Robinson

How did Morena's crafting start?

'I've never been that much interested in jewellery and I seemed to always wear mine only a few times, and, most of all, I never really had an interest in crafts or any skills whatsoever - I'm not very patient and I expect to learn something quickly or I'll drop it!

But then one day, I decided I wanted to buy a yellow/mustard necklace and realised, looking on Etsy, I could probably make the ones I was looking at myself!

So I bought the fabric I wanted and a few beads - but after making my necklace I had plenty f fabric left over so I thought .... why not make more and sell them on Etsy?

This is how my accessories range called Kodes started.....

Why do we create?

My journey into jewellery making has only just started and it's more a journey through discovering what I can learn how to make, what I fall in love with, what I can achieve.  My upcoming projects are going to be 60s jewellery remakes in polymer clay, bow ties and an app/website to make your own customised necklace!

All photos have been taken from Morena's Etsy shop with her permission

Come and visit us at DunnCrafting too (click here)

1 comment:

  1. Brixton is a bit far from me but we're very close to Dalston and the African fabrics you can find in the market and some of the local shops are always a source of great fun!
