Monday 16 May 2016

An artist's response to 'Why do we create?'

Katy Galbraith is an amazing mosaic artist - her Etsy shop is RecyclemeMosaics (click here) - the clue is in the name!  

'Recycled materials stimulate many of my ideas in mosaic pieces that I have done, and as a consequence my "bothy in the garden" is now filling up fast with china, glass and decorative ceramic ornaments and overspilling into the garden.' (I had to look up 'bothy' and found that it is a 'basic shelter .... or accommodation' - pictures on Google are of delightful little stone buildings - and Katy has one in her garden!  How great is that!) 

'Working in my dry-stone lined bothy in the garden, with views over the hills, I am frequently inspired by this lanscape which is reflected in my mosiacs.  Flowers in abundance feature in this majority of my exhibition pieces, as well as in private commissions. 
While many of my pieces are considered 'decorative art', I also  enjoy making mosaics with a more practical purpose such as mirrors, table tops and garden items.'  

I am a compulsive recycler - and just about anything goes at times ... so watch out for the quirky!  In my mosaics, I use a lot of wine bottle glass, reclaimed mirror and tile, crockery, remnants from a stained glass artist and junk jewellry - and the finished piece often depends upon what is in my stash of goodies in my studio.'

Why do I create? 

'Working with mosaics is an evolving process for me, as I explore working with new materials and themes.  I never stay static for long!  I aim to be true to myself and my interest in recycling and sustainability by incorporating many recycled materials, including those representing me and my home town of Crieff, Perthshire.. or pieces donated to me by friends and family similar to a traditional patchwork concept.'

More of Katy's wonderful work can be found here:

All images have been taken from Katy's website and Etsy shop with her permission

Come and visit us too at DunnCrafting (click here)


  1. Beautiful work, Katy! A visit to your shop is a must!

  2. Gorgeous Mosaics - love the cloud piece you are working on Katy - spotted it on IG :)
