Sunday 1 May 2016

Daisy, daisy ....

My recent blog 'Sunshine and Flowers' was about a gerbera daisy pomander I made for a custom order. Well, I rather fancied experimenting with a video of the process - plus making another pomander mixing the yellow and orange gerbera daisies with white ones.

My first attempt was pretty good (I thought) except that a friend kept buzzing me on Whatsapp - and as I was recording with my mobile phone, the playback was punctuated unexpectedly with a very loud ring tone. So I had to do it all again (several times) frustrated by curious cats, more Whatsapp chat - but I cracked it in the end.  

Incidentally, I used a dinky little tripod for mobiles that I discovered on Ebay - it's no more than 4 inches high but great for hands-free table top photos - and (woohoo) videos!

So here goes - this is my first ever video so bear with me!  The muttering in the background is not me - I had the radio on!  Note to self......

and this is the pomander finished and ready to be listed....

Not too shabby ;)