Sunday 13 November 2016

Christmas Shopping - Home Decor

I love decorating the house for Christmas!  The kids used to make paper chains, and when they were at home, every room was decorated - except the bathrooms.  It was all gloriously over the top!  Now they have their own families so decorating is much more elegant and confined to the living areas - but I still have decorations that my folks used when I was a child (minus most of their silvering and glitter!) I do like to have a colour theme but haven't quite moved to the ultra trendy pink trees or the black and white upside down trees!  Red, gold and green do it for me - and sometimes blue and silver.

With that in mind, many of our decorations at are in traditional colours

Gra Gacek of Crossstitchtheline (based in London) has some gorgeous cross-stitch designs that would add a unique touch to rustic decor at  Christmas time.

And for something merry how about this from Kelly from Nuneaton at
 (dancing should be the norm at Christmas!)
Naama at (another Londoner) 
has this really cute tree decoration 
- that can also be a little stocking filler! 

And finally - a little montage of decorating ideas from these fantastic Etsy sellers - pop over and browse!

Happy Shopping!

Come and visit us at


  1. You hit the spot again, Susan! Many thanks for all these lovely suggestions!

  2. Thanks Sue Great Blog :)
    We used to do the paper chains at Xmas too & threaded popcorn :))

  3. Thanks for the feature Sue!
    Beautiful decor suggestions ^^
