Monday 25 April 2016

Why do we create? Breeshea Robinson answers ....

Continuing our 'Why do we create?' theme, Breeshea Robinson is the talented owner of Etsy shop BooandLil (click here)

Breeshea (nicknamed Boo by her family) is an apprentice engineer, studying mechanical engineering at the University of Greenwich.  Lil is her gorgeous miniature smooth wire haired dachsund.

Breeshea creates an eclectic range of items, from gorgeous jewellery to steam punk and funky super hero badges.

She tells me ...

I have been crafting for years with my Nana when I was younger.  It all went up  a gear when my partner bought me a crochet book - and the rest is history, I guess.  I have just decided to learn how to sew and I am excited to get started.

When I craft I never have a set goal - I see where it takes me.  Normally I draw ideas first - when I am meant to be doing other things!  Then I go on from there - I do a great deal of stuff relating to what my family likes.

Why do I create?  I find it is really an over-spill for an overactive mind.  I have trouble switching off and I find creating helps me with that, of an evening.                                                                                                Plus I do enjoy the look on people's faces when I present them with a lovely bespoke item that I made just for them!
BooandLil can also be found here:

All the photos are from Breeshea's shop or Instagram page, with her permission

Come and visit us at DunnCrafting

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous to read a bit more about you, Breeshea, and to learn what drives you to create! Your shop is lovely, BTW!
