Saturday 4 March 2017

Mother's Day: 26th March 2017 #2

The bond between mothers and daughters can be incredibly strong - even when their personalities clash!

My mother used to say 'A son is a son 'til he gets him a wife, a daughter's a daughter all her life' - I'm not sure that is entirely true (seems a bit hard on sons who have their own special relationship with their mothers!) but I always valued my mum's sense of fun (she was in many ways my best friend) - and above all her wisdom.

Mothers Love.  Love Mothers
Gra of has designed some amazing cross stitch designs that would be great gifts for these very special mums.


The centre of any home starts with the mother - chief cook, bottle washer, seamstress, creative genius of fancy dress costumes, birthday cakes and party games, provider of soft lap and hugs, medic, and a shoulder provider for weepy moments - often while being a full time employee somewhere else!

Juggling Mum- this makes me laugh, it's so true!(

Ancient Greeks and Romans celebrated mother goddesses in the spring, and later early Christians took the fourth Sunday of Lent to pay tribute to the Virgin Mary, Mother of Christ - this was then expanded to become Mothering Sunday when children brought gifts and flowers to church, and workers were encouraged to return home to honour their mothers.

Today, it is a vast commercial enterprise across the world - but fundamentally, it is still the one time in the year when families can say - Love you mum!

A tribute to a mother's wisdom and love

It has to be said that ideally we should show our appreciation to our mothers all the year round - not just on one day!  Mums of all ages, new mums, older mums, working mums, grandmums - we salute you!

Pay a visit to Gra's shop - you won't be disappointed!

Happy Mother's Day


1 comment:

  1. Lovely as always, Sue! Thanks for including me in this great post!
