Tuesday 1 July 2014

Weather gremlins

Certain words and phrases, it seems to me, act as wake up calls for the weather gremlins - barbeque, long weekends when everyone goes camping, Glastonbury, school fetes and summer fayres....

....Even whispered, these can bring thunder, lightening and lashings of rain!

We decided we need to make ourselves known on a more face-to-face basis, rather than just relying on on-line sales, so opted for a stall at Moggerhanger Lower School's summer fayre.

Everything was set up, looked really pretty - and things had just started to get going, with some folk really taken with our things .... They promised to return after they had seen the other  stalls.... And then the rain came down.  In torrents.  Everyone went home.  So did we.  Best laid plans ..... Better luck next time!